Seminars and training courses

Our training and further education courses give you that vital edge over the competition. The programme presents the full range of offerings available from Gretsch-Unitas group, to keep you up to date with the latest technology, explain regulations, present product innovations and provide practical help with system solutions. Our programme provides you with a comprehensive overview of the current issues in the sector. We will update you on standards, directives and certifications, as well as the latest trends in architecture. And GU group solutions represent the bridge between theory and practice. A quick look at the programme will tell you that there is a system to our training; the seminars follow on one another logically. This means that there are options for extensive further training entirely based on the needs of the individual participant. You will be guided on your path to success by our expert product trainers with many years of practical experience.

Seminar programme

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If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us by e-mail or by phone – We are glad to help you! 


Tel.: +43 (0) 662 664830

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