University of Münster, Geosciences
The new geosciences building at the University of Münster contains various seminar rooms, including a lecture hall with 251 seats, a library that houses a magazine/map collection and four institutes with laboratories (didactics of geography, geography, geoinformatics, landscape ecology), among others. The institute building was awarded the main certificate (gold) from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).
The building is a solitaire with a calm horizontally-structured facade into which volumes are inserted to break the rhythm. The seminar rooms and library as well as the main entrance are articulated as green volumes to highlight their special function and, with vertical sun shading elements, provide a structure and clear expression of the functions.
On the inside, light wells and galleries allow the internal space of the compact building to be experienced. The central atriums provide a communication hub for exchange of information between scientific disciplines and also access to the upper storeys containing the institutes via an open scissor stair with flights running in opposing directions. The ancillary rooms are naturally ventilated, grouped in a windmill form around the atriums and extend to the external facades. With a floor plan organisation which opens up many different visual connections and provides brief opportunities to linger, the design and architecture supports the idea of a close bond between teaching and research.
The building is 30 percent more energy efficient than the EnEV2009 standard and satisfies the Green Building EU standard. It is cooled and heated by activating a concrete core in base load.
Escape and rescue route and access control solutions by GU group have been installed in most buildings at the University of Münster Support at the planning stage by specialists and availability of spare parts was one of the deciding factors, and also the reason why GU was chosen.
GU solution: SECURY self-locking multi-point locks, escape door control units, swing-door drives, push bars, touch bars, panic locks, mechanical access control
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