Cyber-Security by GEMOS – produced by ela-soft, powered by BKS Connect

GEMOS – produced by ela-soft, powered by BKS Connect

is the leading browser-based security information management and organisation system (PSIM). At the beginning of the new year 2021, the next evolutionary step towards the GEMOS 5 “Next Generation PSIM” will be completed.

GEMOS 5 marks a fundamental redesign of GEMOS PSIM (advanced physical security information system) from the core to the modular structure, new user interfaces (GUI) and master data management. This is also the biggest product overhaul in the history of the GEMOS family.

It is possible to manage numerous media, communication and security systems in a manufacturer-neutral manner with GEMOS such as fire alarm systems, assault and intrusion detection systems, video management systems, access control systems, fire extinguishing and SHEV systems and much more.

High availability and secure interfaces are the basis for the smooth-functioning linking of third-party systems to management systems. Intelligent GEMOS interfaces provide a separate driver for coupling with every third-party system.

GEMOS can now be run universally on the three leading browsers on the market: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Cyber Security

Nowadays the threat posed by cyber attacks to sensitive data is very real. The IT and data security requirements for a networked physical security information management system that captures security-relevant data and controls critical security systems are exacting. GEMOS reflects state-of-the-art technology and is equipped with the necessary functions to respond to the threat situation that exists nowadays and the thematic complexity of "Cyber-Security".


Core functions for IT security in GEMOS

  • TLS 1.3 - AES256 encryption is used as standard according to BSI specifications to safeguard communication between system components (server, workstations and GEMOS interfaces for example)
  • Physical separation of GEMOS networks and customer networks
  • Non platform-specific and non manufacturer-specific browser-based client application with highly-encrypted server connection (HTTPS)
  • Server-side protection and monitoring of application configurations and data against unauthorised changes
  • High-availability server solution for outstanding operating reliability and automatic changeover to backup systems
  • Encryption of relational database with encryption standard AES256
  • Regular IT security check by external bodies (penetration tests, security checks and independent certifications)
  • Protection of relational database from unauthorised access
  • Product LifeCycle Management

Available for/from: GEMOS PSIM, Version 5.0, Q2/2020

Further modules, the latest interfaces, new strategic partnerships and a GEMOS Enterprise solution, which will define a new standard in the market, are part of the Roadmap 2021 and will be published successively.

Photo: Getty Images