The GU supporting consoles on the left and right and, where appropriate, the GU supporting console at the centre are aligned and fixed to the masonry in advance. The window or balcony-door frame is next, which is already prepared with the interior window sealing sheet. In addition to the GU supporting consoles, it is fixed to the GU retaining angles on the masonry. The oblong holes in the supporting consoles and retaining angles allow for quick and easy adjustment to the masonry. GU retaining angles are critical for optimum installation of the component,because they absorb dead loads, live loads and wind loads. In the next step, the interior window sealing sheet is connected or bonded to the masonry.
Number of required GU support consoles and GU retaining angles
In principle, a right and a left GU supporting console should be used for window elements and only fixed with suitable screws and dowels. The installation material must be aligned to the surrounding wall system and to the edge distance. The correct fixing points and the number of fasteners are important when installing windows and balcony-doors. The first fixing point should not exceed 100 to 150 mm from the frame inside corner. The distance between retaining angles may be max. 800 mm with timber or aluminium profiles and max. 700 mm with PVC profiles. The individual distance to be chosen and thus the required number of GU retaining angles is calculated from the size of the window element to be fitted and from the dead loads, live loads and wind loads acting on it.