Spindle drives / Rack and pinion drives

The spindle and rack and pinion drives in the ELTRAL S/Z series are designed to open and close large and heavy skylights or facade openings.

They are particularly important for operating heavy skylights and light domes, because strong push forces are required there together with large opening widths.

Gretsch-Unitas spindle and rack and pinion drives are compact and waterproof.

For very wide and heavy skylights, the intelligent, integrated technology also enables synchronous control of up to eight drives.

Zahnstangen- und Spindelantriebe
© aumüller/aumatic gmbh, Augsburg

Rack and pinion drives


  • Compact size
  • Galvanised thrust tube
  • Automatic limit stop
  • Integrated overload cut-off

Spindle drives S


  • Compact size
  • The intelligent control electronics
  • Stainless steel thrust tube
  • Fire tested up to 300 °C
  • Anodised aluminium housing

ELTRAL S100 Speed


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