
Overall responsi­bility
GU Baubeschläge Aus­tria GmbH
Mayrwies­straße 8
5300 Hall­wang
Tel.:     +43 662 664830
Fax:     +43 662 664830-101

E-Mail: [email protected]

Managing director
René H. Burg­staller, MAS

UID-Nr: ATU36992000
FN: 60646k
Dis­trict court Landesge­richt Salzburg

VAT regi­s­t­ra­tion number
DE 811114402

Con­tact details of the data pro­tec­tion officer:

Ver­brau­cher haben die Mög­lichkeit, Beschwerden an die Online-Streitbeile­gungs­platt­form der EU zu richten: Sie können allfäl­lige Beschwerde auch an die oben angegebene E-Mail-Adresse richten.

Con­tact details of the data pro­tec­tion officer:
GU Baubeschläge Aus­tria GmbH
Mayrwies­straße 8
5300 Hall­wang
[email protected]


Informa­tion require­ments according to § 36 VSBG:

We are not partici­pa­ting in a scheme for dis­pute reso­lu­tion before a con­sumer arbi­t­ra­tion board. Nevert­heless, the German Act on Alter­na­tive Dis­pute Reso­lu­tion for Con­sumer Dis­putes (VSBG) requires that we refer to a con­sumer arbi­t­ra­tion board that can be con­ta­cted via the net.

Allgemeine Ver­brau­cher­sch­lich­tungs­stelle des
Zentrums für Sch­lich­tung e. V.
Straßburger Str. 8
77694 Kehl

Web address:

Online Dis­pute Reso­lu­tion in accor­dance with art. 14 para. 1, ODR-Regula­tion: The Euro­pean Commis­sion pro­vides a plat­form for online dis­pute reso­lu­tion, available on>.



We exp­li­citly oppose the use of con­tact details pub­lished on the web­site for sending adver­tising and informa­tion mate­rial which has not been speci­fi­cally requested by us.